2024-2025 U11 Peds Threads Bombers
2024-2025 U13 Kinsmen Bombers
Certification for the Respect in Sport for Parents program must be obtained by at least one parent or legal guardian of any minor hockey player on a Hockey Manitoba roster by November 1st.
Should certification not be obtained by November 1st, the minor hockey player will be ineligible to participate in any Hockey Manitoba sanctioned activity until one parent or legal guardian is certified.
Hockey Manitoba-https://www.hockeymanitoba.ca/members/respect-sport-parents
New officials need to do "Hockey University" before they can sign up for a clinic. Once complete they need to register online for a course there is a Flin Flon option.
Costs will be reimbursed to new officials once certified.
Click the link to hockey Manitoba site for clinic registration. Clinics (hockeymanitoba.ca)
Below is a screen shot of the page to access HU.
August application deadline (August 15th). This information has already been circulated to families who have received funding from KidSport in 2022. Please note that this funding is not available for seasons that have already ended. The changes have been reflected on both our paper and online applications, which can be found at https://kidsportcanada.ca/manitoba/provincial-fund/.
Please update this info wherever you may have it listed. Should you have any questions regarding this change, please contact us at kidsportmb@sportmanitoba.ca or (204) 925-5911.
Have a safe and enjoyable season of sport!
KidSport Manitoba
PO Box 862
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1N6
February 19, 2025
7:00 pm
Victoria Inn
U7 - Lil' Prospects Cup - Jan 11, 2025 - $250
U9 - Mel Pearson Tournament - Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2024 - $500
U11 - Jason Morran Tournament - Jan 3 - 5, 2025 - $650
U13 - Teagan Quinn - Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2025 - $675
Flin Flon Minor Hockey Association is instituting Codes of Conducts for all members of FFMHA, players, parents, team officials and board of directors involved in Association activities and events.
The Codes of Conducts are standards that FFMHA has outlined the behaviour with which we wish all members act during such events.
FFMHA is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect.
We request that all members of FFMHA read and sign the document and have it returned by registration.
Visit the Constitution and Policies page for all of the Code of Conducts.
In conjunction with Hockey Canada and Hockey Manitoba rules, all cell phone use in dressing rooms is prohibited. This means that cell phones, cameras and any other recording devices are not to be used unless used as a music device. In this case, it must be visible and plugged in on a dock or on a speaker.
If needed to attend to a call, please do so outside the dressing room.
Failure to comply will result in a hearing with the FFMHA Discipline Committee.
For more information please refer to Hockey Manitoba’s Social Media Policy located on the side.